Quotes From "The Interpretation Of Murder" By Jed Rubenfeld

The pity of it was that this discovery, if such...
The pity of it was that this discovery, if such it was, now seemed so stale, so profitless to me. What good was it? What good did thinking ever do? Jed Rubenfeld
Unhappiness is caused when we cannot let go of our...
Unhappiness is caused when we cannot let go of our memories. Jed Rubenfeld
For society, marriage is undoubtedly beneficial. But the burdens of civilized morality are too heavy for many to bear. Jed Rubenfeld
A woman's love for a man is ha;f animal passion and half hate. The more a woman loves a man, the more she hates him. If a man is worth having, he must be a woman's superior; if he is her superior, part of her must hate him. It is only in beauty we surpass you, and it is therefore no wonder that we worship beauty above all else. Jed Rubenfeld
Satisfying a savage instinct is incomparably more pleasurable than satisfying a civilized one. Jed Rubenfeld
There is no mystery to happiness. Unhappy men are all alike. Some wound they suffered long ago, some wish denied, some blow to pride, some kindling spark of love put out by scorn -- or worse, indifference -- cleaves to them, or they to it, and so they live each day within a shroud of yesterdays. The happy man dies not look back. He doesn't look ahead. He lives in the present. Jed Rubenfeld
What i literally cannot describe is the hollowness in my lungs when i am out of her presence. It is as if i were dying from the want of her. Jed Rubenfeld
Wrong way to think about it. Don't try to figure it out all at once. Jed Rubenfeld
I know he is--sensitive--on some points, Detective, but you must bear in mind how hard it is for an honest man to do his work in relative obscurity, while dishonest men attain wealth and renown. That is why corruption is so pernicious. It breaks the will of good men. Jed Rubenfeld
No man can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips. Jed Rubenfeld
A woman is at her greatest peril in the presence of a beautiful man. Jed Rubenfeld